Video/ Shadow Play, 4 minutes looped, sound, 2003
  Mystical and quirky but gentle creatures glide past in slow rotations, almost nudging and attempting to erase, to obliterate with their huge soft shadow bodies the violence of the scenes in front of them. The creatures form shadows by the very same light with which they must compete to gain ascendancy over the massive violence that scorches the screens.  
  “Game Pieces”, is a shadow / video play. This low-tech structure of 6 Mylar cylinders painted on the reverse with images of gentle, vulnerable creatures is constructed from two parallel iron rings. The rings are 120 in diameter and 150 cm in height and are lit by the video projections of the nuclear bombs and the mushroom clouds from ‘”Fat Man” and “Little Boy” that destroyed Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The devastating images of death and destruction scorch the panoramic screens spanning up to 28 meters. The images seem to encompass the spectator. At the two ends fleecy white clouds tumultuously spill out of an azure blue sky asserting their life giving force. Single cell animation scratches graffiti of gods and demons from the Hindu pantheon impotently on the screens, as the shadow creatures attempt to erase the horror.  

6 cylinders, reverse painted mylar, iron armatures,
4 DVD players, sync with one remote sensor, 4 projectors, audio CD player, 1 amplifier, 4 speakers. Dimensions variable.

Funded by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture
and Arts.

Solo show at Bose Pacia Modern, New York.
Exhibited at 'Poetic Justice' at 8th Istanbul Biennale; CC: Crossing Currents, Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi and La Nuit Blanche, Paris.

read essay by Chaitanya Sambrani

copyright © 2004 Nalini Malani